Saturday, May 9, 2009

How'd I let things get like this?

Eating and metabolism: I have always had issues with eating. But, until my mid-twenties, my metabolism and lifestyle pretty much kept up with me. Then came the kids. When you have kids, everything changes. There are nearly ten years between my two children. I probably gained about 50 lbs. between the two births.

Occupation and lifestyle: I went from teaching to an even cooler job which required me to use computers much more frequently. I began studying in the evenings for various technical certifications. I started working on and eventually earned my MS in Computer Information Systems.

I got pregnant, got gestational diabetes, swelled up to over 247 lbs. and started insulin. I dropped 40 lbs. before having the baby. After the baby, the diabetes went away, but the doctors all told me I have a 70% chance of developing Type II diabetes.

A few months after having my second daughter, I landed my dream job - desktop computing and network administration. Besides the occasional lugging around of monitors, switches, and other parts it was pretty much sedentary. My body adapted to fluorescent lighting, slight arm and leg movements, but boy did I have a great right index finger. (Mouse clicking.)

My husband was laid off from work. We relocated the family up to The Woodlands, TX where we opened a martial arts studio with family friends. I continued a three hour a day (105 mile a day) commute. I loved that job so much, but I was unable to exercise, had terrible eating habits, was falling asleep at the wheel, and never got to see my family.

I decided to make a change because I needed to live. I needed to live life to its fullest for me and for my family. I needed to be there for them every day. I took a $ 10,000 per year pay cut and went back to doing a job that I am great at, but that I don't like very much. I have a lot of time with my family. I get to go to the karate school.

I figured that (1) if I want to be around with my kids, I should ensure that by getting in shape, and (2) it is a lot easier for my husband to sell memberships and prove that karate can help you stay in shape if his wife doesn't look like a beached whale!

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